

I was at the end of my treatment options within traditional medicine when I was introduced to Dr. Rosenberg in early 2021. My TNBC had progressed and although it was responding to my latest chemo regimen, there was little precedent for a complete or permanent response, and my overall prognosis was grim. Dr. Rosenberg and his team quickly got up to speed on my case and after meeting with Dr. Rosenberg for the first time, an expanded treatment plan began to take form which would stack the odds in my favor as much as possible. The plan included a combination of alternative medicines, supplements, and lifestyle changes, in addition to continuing with my chemo treatment. Dr. Rosenberg gave me and my family more than just hope in that critical time; he shared tangible resources, information, and guidance that I have not encountered with any other doctor, and that have helped me thrive to this day.


Mary Nesbitt, Alternative Cancer Treatment

As Featured in Boca Raton Magazine

"Within a few months my tumor markers were undetectable. I'm living proof Dr. Rosenberg's program is working."

Mary Nesbitt, Security Consultant.

Mary Nesbitt's world came crashing down that day last June when she learned she had stage four endometrial cancer. The prognosis remained grim after Mary underwent three hours of surgery to remove the cancer, only to learn that doctors were unable remove all of the cancer cells, which had invaded her bowel and her bladder.

"They told me I would have six months to a year to live if I didn't get chemo therapy and three years if I did," Mary said.

With the help of her sister Denise, Mary sought out alternative treatments. By a twist of fate she ended up visiting Dr. Mark Rosenberg, a cancer scientist, who is board certified in emergency medicine.

After reviewing Mary's case, Dr. Rosenberg determined that she would be an acceptable candidate for an experimental procedure he developed that essentially weakens cancer cells to the point where chemotherapy or, in Mary's case heat, can be used to eradicate them.

Using a cocktail of drugs he developed, Dr. Rosenberg began treating Mary's cancer with a method that he says blocks the cells from releasing lactic acid, which is critical to their survival.

In addition, according to Dr. Rosenberg, reducing the amount of expressed lactic acid in the area surrounding the cancer cells may also prevent the aggressive growth of other cancer cells.

In Mary's case, Dr. Rosenberg did some preliminary tests to determine what substances were most likely to impact the cell growth and then started her on the drug cocktail, along with some vitamins.

Following the drug treatments and heat therapy, Mary and Dr. Rosenberg began to notice positive signs.

Less than six months after her cancer was diagnosed, Mary's tumor markers had dropped into the undetectable range.

"It was almost too good to be true," she said.

But then, a month later, the markers had dropped again.

Today, Mary, 57, credits her faith in God, the positive approach that her sister helped her develop and Dr. Rosenberg's procedure with helping her live a better life.

"I've been recommending Dr. Rosenberg to everyone," she said.

To learn more about ICT therapy or to book an appointment, call (561) 886-0976

"Within a few months my tumor markers were undetectable. I'm living proof Dr. Rosenberg's program is working."

-MARY NESBITT, security consultant

May 21, 2104

Dear Dr. Rosenberg:

Ten months ago, when I was diagnosed with cancer, I believed that my immune system was compromised and that I needed to strengthen it by nutritional support. The advice that was suggested to me by well meaning friends and family, along with the wealth of information on the Internet was overwhelming. Trying to sort it all out had created stress, which I knew, wasn't going to help me in my healing process.

I prayed for a medical doctor who was my concept of the perfect doctor: an intelligent, ethical, nutritionally oriented, dedicated, nurturing, compassionate person who had the ability to think "outside of the box". My prayers were answered when you were highly recommended by a valuable source. Our first consultation with you and your staff allowed my husband and myself to feel completely at ease because our checklist on you was all positive. We had found that special person who would take the burden off our shoulders while we moved on the right path.

Your team of like-minded staff is just as talented as you are. They are bright, kind and responsive to their patients and they are also extremely dedicated to you. You head their team and you teach by example so that each one of them feels accomplishment after their long day's work. This has lead to a happy work environment, which permeates throughout the office and all the patients keenly feel it.

All of these factors help your patients heal and that is just as important as prescribing the right medicine. I don't think of this journey as a battle against cancer. Instead I feel that I am working with you and my body, relaxing completely so that gentle healing is taking place.

I also know that at this time there isn't a magic bullet to cure this complicated disease so I don't know how my story will end. But I wanted you to know that I am so very thankful for having you head my wellness team and that I appreciate all that you do which is above and beyond what is expected of a doctor.

I wish that other doctors would learn from you - the world would be a better place.

With love & respect,

-Doris Hochheiser